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Freitag, 01 Dezember 2017 23:41

Groupe Renault partnering Handicap International

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Boulogne Billancourt, 1 December 2017 – Groupe Renault announces support for Handicap International.

  • Through a three-year agreement with Handicap International, Groupe Renault asserts its commitment to extending the international reach of its policy on disability.

  • Handicap International is a worldwide-recognized NGO with valuable expertise on disability inclusion at international scale.

Renault and disability

Groupe Renault’s inclusion and diversity policy combats all forms of discrimination and promotes equal opportunity in access to employment and career development within the company.

Disability is a major focus of this policy, which fosters company-wide understanding and appreciation of the differences between individuals, thereby developing a work environment conducive to the expression of individual talent and optimum collective performance.

Mobility and difficulties in accessing employment are two major impediments to the social integration of disabled persons. Groupe Renault has two answers here: in its capacity as a front-line automaker, it offers a range of special vehicle conversions and services; and as an employer and economic player it has a 20-year record of determined social policy on the matter.

Improving employment inclusion for disabled persons

In 1995 (ten years before France’s “disability law” of 11 February 2005), Renault was one of the first companies to sign an agreement, with all the French unions, on occupational inclusion for disabled persons. Specific points covered by this agreement, which was renewed in 2016, include recruitment, workstation adaptation, site accessibility, risk prevention and employee education.

The internal social network Handi@Renault, launched in 2012, has more than 1,700 members, disabled and non-disabled. By generating opportunities for interaction among all employees, it seeks to shift people’s perceptions on disability and improve inclusion conditions, both within the company and in society at large.   

Since October 2017, Handi@Renault has been a member of the MOBILIZE Diversity community on Yammer, which has more than 3,800 members today.

 Find more information about Handicap International: https://www.handicap-international.org.uk

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