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  • Worldwide Sales Results 2018: Groupe Renault sales reached 3.9 million vehicles, up 3.2% with Jinbei and Huasong
Freitag, 18 Januar 2019 20:58

Worldwide Sales Results 2018: Groupe Renault sales reached 3.9 million vehicles, up 3.2% with Jinbei and Huasong

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  • Groupe Renault sales increased by 3.2% while integrating the Jinbei and Huasong brands since January 1, 2018. At 2017 scope, Groupe Renault volumes declined by 1.2% in a world market down 0.3%.

  • In Europe, sales were stable (+0.5%).

  • The Group is pursuing its Drive the Future plan by expanding internationally, with registrations now representing 50.6% of total sales (vs. 49.2% in 2017), thanks in particular to the integration of Jinbei and Huasong brands.

  • In Renault brand's electric vehicle segment, sales increased by 37% over the year, with an acceleration in the second half (+62%). Renault is the European leader with a 22% market share.

  • In the light commercial vehicle segment, the Group grew by 33.7% (619,229 vehicles). Excluding Jinbei and Huasong, sales increased by 0.9% to 467,042 vehicles.

  • Groupe Renault is targeting a slight growth in sales in 2019, with an acceleration in the second half of the year thanks to the launch of new international models and New Clio, the Group's flagship model in Europe, which will be unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show.

Boulogne-Billancourt, January 18, 2019 - In 2018, the Groupe Renault recorded 3,884,295 vehicles sold, including 2,532,567 (-5.2%) for Renault and 700,798 (+7.0%) for Dacia. Lada's sales increased by 18.7% to 398,282 registrations and Renault Samsung Motors' registrations fell by 14.9% to 84,954 vehicles. Jinbei and Huasong sold 165,603 vehicles.

In the electric vehicle segment, Renault brand sales volumes worldwide increased by 36.6% over the year (more than 49,600 vehicles), with an acceleration in the second half (+62.1%). Renault is the European leader with a 22.2% market share. ZOE saw its volumes increase by 26.1% (39,458 vehicles) and Kangoo Z.E. by 105.1% (8,747 vehicles).

In the light commercial vehicle segment, the Group's volumes increased by 33.7% including Jinbei and Huasong. The Renault brand reached a new record high in 2018 despite the decline in Turkey and Argentina, two important markets for this segment.

“Groupe Renault sales increased by 3.2% in 2018, with the integration of the Jinbei and Huasong brands. The Group's sales growth in Russia, Brazil and Africa offset almost all of the economic and geopolitical headwinds outside Europe” said Olivier Murguet, Sales and Regions Executive Vice President of Groupe Renault.

In Europe, registrations were stable (+0.5%) in a market that grew by 0.2%. The Group's growth comes mainly from the B segment (Clio, Captur, Sandero), and New Duster. Clio remains the second best-selling vehicle in Europe and Captur the first crossover in its class.

The Dacia brand posted a new sales record in Europe with 511,622 vehicles registered (+10.3%) and a record market share of 2.9% (+0.3 points). This increase is linked to the performance of the New Duster launched at the beginning of the year and Sandero.

Groupe Renault is pursuing its Drive the Future plan by expanding internationally, with registrations now representing 50.6% of total sales (vs. 49.2% in 2017), thanks in particular to the integration of the Jinbei and Huasong brands, and despite the decline in sales in Turkey and India and the cessation of sales in Iran since early September.

In Russia, the Group's second largest country in terms of sales volume, the market grew by 12,8%. The Group is the leader, with more than one car in four sold being a Lada or a Renault. Sales increased by 10.9%.

Renault brand volumes were stable with 137,062 vehicles sold, pending the arrival of Arkana in 2019.

LADA recorded a 15.6% increase to 360,204 vehicles sold, with a 20% market share (+0.5 points) thanks to the successful renewal of its range. LADA Vesta has become the best-selling vehicle in Russia.

In Brazil, the Group outperformed the market recovery, which rose 13.6%. Sales increased by 28.5% to nearly 215,000 vehicles and market share reached 8.7% (+1.0 points) thanks to the good results of Kwid, which was sold to more than 67,000 units.

In Africa, the Group strengthened its leadership with a 18.1% market share, with 218,797 vehicles sold, thanks to its performance in Morocco, South Africa and Egypt. The market share in Morocco reached 43% with a 7% increase in sales volume. Dacia maintains its leadership with Dokker and Logan, the two best-selling vehicles.

Renault brand sales rose by 14.9% to more than 26,000 units in South Africa, representing a 4.9% market share. In Egypt, its market share reached 11.4%, up by more than 3 points with 20,504 vehicles sold.

In India, sales were down 26.8% in a market that grew by 8.4% pending the launch of a new vehicle scheduled for the second half of 2019.

In China, the Group is continuing to implement the "Drive the future" plan. Dongfeng-Renault volumes are down 26.9% pending the launch of new models in 2019. The launch of the RBJAC joint venture (Jinbei/Huasong) is progressing well. The Group is stepping up its electric vehicles offensive by investing in JM EV, the 5th largest electric vehicle manufacturer. In total, by integrating the new Jinbei /Huasong brands, the group's volumes in China amounted to 216,699 units.


In 2019, the world market is expected to be stable compared to 2018.

The European market is also expected to be stable. The Russian market is expected to grow by at least 3% and the Brazilian market by 10%.

In this context, Groupe Renault is aiming for a slight increase in sales in 2019, with an acceleration in the second half of the year thanks to the launch of new international models and the launch of New Clio, the Group's flagship model in Europe.

Group sales by region PC+LCV 


Ytd end of December




% var.





Europe** (Excl France)




France + Europe Total




Africa Middle East India












Asia Pacific




Total Excl France + Europe








* Sales
** Europe = European Union, Island, Norvway & Switzerland

Sales by brand

  Ytd end of December
  2018 2017 % var
PC 2,124,364 2,264,823 -6.2%
LCV 408,203 406,968 0.3%
PC+LCV 2,532,567 2,671,791 -5.2%
PC 84,954 99,846 -14.9%
PC 655,172 609,684 7.5%
LCV 45,626 45,131 1.1%
PC+LCV 700,798 654,815 7.0%
PC 385,069 324,739 18.6%
LCV 13,213 10,879 21.5%
PC+LCV 398,282 335,618 18.7%
PC 2,091 7 +++
PC 13,416    
LCV 152,187    
PC+LCV 165,603    
PC 3,265,066 3,299,099 -1.0%
LCV 619,229 462,978 33.7%
PC+LCV 3,884,295 3,762,077 3.2%

Groupe Renault : 15 markets -December Ytd

   Volumes 2018* MS PC+LCV 2018
(units) (%)
1 FRANCE 689,788 26.20
2 RUSSIA 497,266 27.62
3 GERMANY 235,609 6.33
4 CHINA 216,699 0.80
5 BRAZIL 214,822 8.70
6 ITALY 208,580 9.98
7 SPAIN+CANARY ISLANDS 189,480 12.33
8 TURKEY 115,842 18.66
9 ARGENTINA 114,348 14.78
10 UNITED KINGDOM 103,607 3.79
11 IRAN 101,347 10.56
12 SOUTH KOREA 90,369 5.06
13 BELGIUM+LUXEMBOURG 88,663 12.86
14 INDIA 82,368 2.07
15 MOROCCO 75,418 42.52

* 2018 ytd December (sales), excl Twizy

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