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Montag, 10 Mai 2021 17:49

Renault Sport Cars becomes Alpine Cars

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  • As of May 1st, 2021, Renault Sport Cars becomes Alpine Cars  
  • The know-how and passion of Les Ulis-based teams remain at the heart of Alpine’s strategy  

As of May 1st, 2021 Renault, Sport Cars, whose site is based in Les Ulis, becomes Alpine Cars. 

The name change of this entity dedicated to the development of Renault Group sports models forms part of the creation of the Alpine Business Unit.

"As part of the reorganization of the Renault Group by brand, it is essential that the various entities that make up the Business Unit bear the Alpine name and embody the values ​​and ambitions of the brand. Alpine aims to be a premium sports brand at the forefront of innovation and technology. Alpine Cars with its expertise and experience in sports vehicles is a master card in achieving our goals." Laurent Rossi, CEO Alpine. 

This name change symbolizes the new momentum in which the Les Ulis site is already engaged with the development of the future 100% electric Alpine range and technical discussions with the Alpine Racing teams. 

The know-how and passion of the teams behind iconic models such as the R5 Turbo, the Clio V6, the Mégane R.S. Trophy and the new Alpine A110 are major assets. Along with the development of the new Alpine range, the teams in place will continue to provide support to R.S. customers and the network.

"By becoming Alpine Cars, the teams are embarking on a new dynamic, rich in projects carried out with the support of the Alpine Racing teams and all of Renault Group’s businesses. This is an extremely exciting time for our engineers", said Robert Bonetto, Product Performance and Engineering Director, Alpine.  

Source: Media Groupe Renault

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