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Sonntag, 23 Februar 2020 19:20

A new Website dedicated to road safety for all

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Boulogne-Billancourt, February 18th 2020 –  Groupe Renault, with the support of its Foundation,  and the association Prévention Routière (Road Safety) have decided to act jointly to raise awareness of road dangers and the right behaviors to adopt on the road, by creating an online site adapted to all audiences: http://road4us.org/en/

A unique initiative stemming from a worrying observation

According to a World Health Organization's 2018 report (WHO), road accidents are the main cause of death for people aged from 5 to 29 years and are responsible for 1.35 million deaths annually, or 1 death every 24 seconds worldwide.

In order to provide useful responses to this public health issue, the two partners have carried out preliminary work to identify the main causes of accidents and risky behaviour on the road. This investigation fueled by WHO research, enabled the two partners to establish prevention guidelines on priority risks: alcohol, helmets, seat belts, drugs, motorcycles, pedestrians, rescue, smartphones, bicycles, visibility, speed, etc.

Universal, fun and free

Unique in the world, the Road4us website is designed to be simple to use and accessible to all types of road users, whether pedestrians or drivers, regardless of culture, age or level of education.

With this in mind, simple illustrations, with universal codes, without text or cultural connotations, have been devised. Downloadable free of charge, these visuals can also be used freely by educators, teachers or associations wishing to present them to the public to be sensitized.

Navigation on the site is also available in 7 languages: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi.

Road4us has been tested beforehand with a wide range of audiences and is also a participatory and evolving tool. Internet users can assign a rating to each illustration and suggest improvements to meet the needs of road users more precisely and improve the understanding of messages.

To know more about Groupe Renault's commitment to road safety and prevention



Association Prévention Routière : Created in 1949, the Association was recognized as a public-interest organization in 1955. To reduce road traffic deaths and injuries, the organization reaches thousands of people every year through 38,000 awareness-raising and educational activities with children and young people, as well as employees and other vulnerable persons such as pedestrians, cyclists and the elderly. The Association intervenes throughout France, thanks to its regional and local network, and the active participation of 1500 volunteers. It is supported by 80,000 members and donors, several local authorities, companies and many partners, including the association Attitude Prévention. The organization participates in public debates and is a driving force behind proposals, both nationally and internationally.


The Renault Foundation: created in 2001, it embodies the Group's humanist, social and societal values. It was initially specialised in higher education through its programs of excellence aiming to help the younger generation to prepare itself to future jobs, since 2018 it evolved to manage all the corporate philanthropy supported by the Renault Group in the fields of inclusive mobility, safety and sustainability with a strong focus on the regions in which it operates.

It has forged numerous partnerships with associations in the fields in which it operates. In 2019 , the Renault Group Corporate Foundation supported some 30 associations.

Playing an active international role, it coordinates local Renault foundations in Europe, North Africa and South America and it is also a recognized socio-economic player in many countries.


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